Editorial Team


Dr. Nooraddin Ismail Alla Werdi, CABS, FRCS, FACS, Professor of Surgery, University President, Hawler Medical University.


Dr. Bassam karem Amin, PhD, Assistant professor of Conservative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University.

Associate Editor

Dr. Omed Ikram Shihab, PhD, Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University

Editorial Assistant

Dr. Abduljaleel Azad Samad, PhD, Lecturer of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University.

Dr. Samr M. Halabia, MSc, Lecturer of Orthodontics, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University.

Dr. Dina Jawhar B., MSc, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University.

Linguistic evaluation

Dr. Darya Bakhtiar Salih, PhD, Lecturer of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University.

Dr. Dina Jawhar B., MSc, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University.

Editorial Board

Dr. Bakhtiar M. Ahmed, PhD, Professor of Clinical and Oral Biochemistry, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University.

Dr. Jamal Aziz Abu Al-Timan,  MSc, Professor of Conservative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Mustansiriyah University.

Dr. Diyar Khalid B., PhD, Professor of Conservative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University.

Dr. Abdalbseet A Fatalla, PhD, Professor of Prosthodontics, College of Dentistry, University of Baghdad.

Dr. Omar Fawzi Chawshli, Professor of Orthodontics, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University.

Dr. Raid F. Salman, PhD, Professor of Conservative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University.

Dr. Nabeel S. Martani, PhD, Assistant Professor of Prosthetics, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University.

Dr. Jawad Muhamad Mikail, PhD, Assistant Professor of Prosthetics, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University.

Dr. Khurshid A. Kheder Khrwatany, PhD, Assistant Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University.

Dr. Tuqa Yusif, PhD, Assistant Professor of Basic Sciences, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University.

Dr. Shahen Alani, PhD, Assistant Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University.

Dr. Chnar Anwar, PhD, Assistant Professor of Periodontology, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical U.

Dr. Kamis Gaballah, PhD, Associate Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (UK), College of Dentistry, Ajman University.

Advisory Board

Dr. Dara Hamarashid Saeed, Professor of Conservative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University.

Dr. Salem Al-Samaraie, Professor of Prosthodontics, College of Dentistry, Baghdad University.

Dr. Hussain Al- Hwaizi, Professor of Conservative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Baghdad University.

Dr. Ziwar A. Al-Qasab , PhD, Assistant Professor of Periodontology, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University.

Dr. Dhia Ismael Ibrahim, Professor of Prosthodontics, College of Dentistry, Al-Kitab University.

Dr. Othman A. Omar, FIBMS, Assistant Professor of Maxillofacial Surgery, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University.

Dr. Ahmad A. Haidar, Assistant Professor of Maxillofacial Surgery, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University.

Dr. Sazan Sh. Saleem, Ph.D., Assistant professor of POP Department, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University.

Dr. Aras M. Rauf, Assistant Professor of Prevention, College of Dentistry, University of Sulaimani.

Dr. Souheil R. Hussaini, Assistant professor of Implantology, Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, NJ, USA.