Information For Authors
For Authors
Interested in submitting to this journal? We recommend that you review the About the Journal page for the journal's section policies, as well as the Author Guidelines. Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process.
- Indexes
- Aims and Scope
- Manuscript Preparation
- Types of Manuscripts
- Manuscript Structure
- Acknowledgement
- References
- Tables
- Figures and illustrations
- Abbreviations
- Numbers and Units
- Names of Drugs
- Ethical Considerations
- Authorship and Pledge Form
- Ethical Considerations
- Article Processing Charge
- Contact
Information for Authors
Erbil Dental Journal
Erbil Dental Journal (EDJ) welcomes author submissions of original and significant contributions. The journal will consider for publication manuscripts of interests to readers in Iraq, Middle East, and around the World.
Aims and Scope
EDJ aims to publish peer-reviewed manuscripts of Iraqi, regional and international interests. Submissions on basic sciences, clinical or laboratory investigations of relevance to dentistry come within the scope of its publications. Original articles, review articles, case reports, brief communications, insights and letters to the editor are all considered.
Manuscript Preparation
The manuscript of EDJ should be typed as ‘normal text' on one side of A4 size (29.7 x 21cm) paper in a single column format, one and a half spaced line. No artwork and/or special effects are acceptable for the text and/or table(s). Italics should not be used other than for foreign/Latin expressions and/or special terminologies such as names of microorganisms. Maintain a minimum of 2 cm margin on both sides of the text and a 3 cm margin at the top and bottom of each page. No part of the text other than abbreviations and/or subtitles shall be written in upper case (ALL capital). Header/footnotes, endnotes, lines drawn to separate the paragraphs or pages are not acceptable. Typing is with the normal, Times New Roman font 12 throughout the manuscript including all the headings, subheadings, text, tables and legends (figures).
The manuscript should be paginated consecutively, commencing with the title page and it should not exceed 13 pages. However, longer manuscripts for review articles and qualitative studies can be considered. Main headings, introduction, subjects and methods, etc. should be placed on separate lines. Key Words should be preferably MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) terms, and must not duplicate words already in the manuscript title; MeSH terms can be checked at
Types of Manuscripts
Original Articles: Title page, Abstract (in structured format for original articles) of no more than 250 words, Key Words (up to five), followed by Introduction, Subjects (or Materials) and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement/s (if any), References, Legends to figures, Tables, and Figures.
Review Articles: Title Page, Abstract of no more than 250 words, Key Words (up to five), followed by Introduction, Methods/History (if applicable), Literature Review, Conclusion, Acknowledgement/s (if any), References, Legends to figures, Tables, and Figures. Each section should begin on a new page.
Case Studies: Title page followed by Abstract (a summary of not more than 250 words), Key Words, Introduction, Case history/report, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement/s (if any), References, Legends to figures, Tables, and Figures.
Manuscript Structure
Title page
The title page of the submitted manuscript should provide a clear title of the article followed by full names of all authors, the highest academic degree, the official academic and/or clinical title and affiliation, the name and address of the institution/s where the work was done including the department, the name and complete address of the corresponding author to whom proofs and correspondences shall be sent, duly supported with contacts such as telephone, mobile/cell, fax and e-mail address (if available) if it differs from the first author, and any disclaimers.
Structured Abstract
A structured abstract (no more than 250 words) is required for studies under the section "Original Articles." It must provide an overview of the entire paper, should contain succinct statements and should be divided where appropriate into the followings: Background and Objective(s), Methods, Results, and Conclusion(s). Abstract for all other categories of submissions shall be a short summary followed by Keywords and the report or review.
The body of the manuscript should be divided into sections preceded by appropriate heads (introduction, subjects/patients/materials (as appropriate) and methods, results, discussion, conclusion (when appropriate), acknowledgement (when appropriate), conflict of interests and references). Major headings should be typed bold in capital letters at the left-hand margin; subheading should appear typed bold at the left-hand margin with only the first letter of each word capitalized; additional subdivisions should be underlined only.
State the study's objective (the question that the paper is intending to answer) and omit any extensive review of the literature, which is normally found in a thesis.
Materials (Subjects, Patients) and Methods
Describe the study’s design, procedures and subjects used, methods, definitions such as for diagnostic criteria, the population or patient samples, and laboratory and statistical methods. Provide the details only if the methods are original or essential for understanding, otherwise, provide references.
The pertinent findings must be presented in a logical sequence with tables, charts, figures, and photographs as necessary to clarify the findings.
Point out the significance of the data and the limitations, conclusions based on the findings, evidence from the literature that supports the conclusions and opposing views, conflicting evidence, the applicability of conclusions, and implications for future research or clinical application.
The objective of this section is to disclose affiliations with or association with any organization with a direct financial interest in the study. Otherwise, it will be considered as having no such interests. Contributions of others who have involved in the study, such as statisticians, radiologists, etc. and/or those who have assisted in the preparation of manuscript being submitted could also be included in this section.
List references in consecutive numerical order (the order of citation in the manuscript, not alphabetically). The reference number must be in superscript format after a comma or full stop without space, for example: “Road traffic injuries are a major public health problem around the world.1” Once a reference is cited, all subsequent citations should be to the original number. Identify references in the text, tables, and legends by Arabic numerals. Unpublished data and personal communication will not be accepted as references. Reference to a journal must be in this order: (1) author's name, (2) Title of article, (3) journal name that should be abbreviated as per the Journals Database section in PubMed (From:, (4) year, (5) Volume and issue number, and (6) inclusive page number. References to books should include (1) authors, (2) chapter title (if any), (3) editors name (if any), (4) title of book, (5) city of publication, (6) publisher, and (7) year. Volume and edition numbers and specific page numbers should be included when appropriate. Use et al. when the number of authors exceeds 6. Where available, the DOI numbers to all the references listed in the reference list should be added.
The author(s) is/are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the references and correct textual citation. Please refer to reference citations and listings in the text for proper format. Use the style of the examples given below in listing the references:
Journal article without DOI
Strand JE, Nybäck H. Tobacco use in schizophrenia: a study of cotinine concentrations in the saliva of patients and controls. Eur Psychiatry 2005; 20:50-4
Journal article with DOI
Roberts CL, Algert C, Ford JB, Todd AL, Morris JM. Pathways to a rising caesarean section rate: a population-based cohort study. BMJ Open 2012; 2(5): e001725. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2012-001725.
Spitzer R, Endicott J. Schedule for affective disorders and schizophrenia – lifetime version. New York: New York State Psychiatry Institute; 1978.
Chapter in book
Laruelle M. Dopamine transmission in the schizophrenic brain. In: Weinberger DR, Hirsch S, editors. Schizophrenia, 2nd ed. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing; 2003. p. 365-87.
U.S. positions on selected issues at the third negotiating session of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. Washington, D.C.: Committee on Government Reform, 2002. (Accessed June 4, 2003, at
Tables should be self-explanatory. All tables must have a title placed above the table. Identify tables with Arabic numbers; the word Table should be bold and capitalized the first letter. Cite each table in the text in the order in which it appears.
Figures and illustrations
All figures must have a title placed below the figure. All figures with Arabic numbers, the word Figure should be bold and capitalized the first letter (e.g., Figure 1: Gender variations). Cite each figure in the text in the order in which it is to appear. Charts and drawings must be professionally done, duly titled and submitted in Excel format as separate files. When charts are submitted, the numerical data on which they were based should be supplied.
Except for units of measurement, abbreviations should be defined on first use and then applied consistently throughout the article. Non-standard abbreviations or those appearing fewer than three times are not accepted. Use abbreviated units of measure, only when used with numbers.
Numbers and Units
Measurements of length, height, weight and volume must be reported in metric units (meter, kilogram, liter, etc.) or their decimal multiples. The temperature should be given in degrees Celsius. Blood pressure in mmHg, and hematological and biochemical measurements in International (SI) units. Use a comma for numbers > 10,000 and do not use a comma for numbers <9999, (e.g., 6542).
Names of Drugs
Non-proprietary (generic) names of the product should be employed. If a brand name for a drug is used, the British or international non-proprietary (approved) name should be given in parentheses. The source of any new or experimental preparation should also be given.
Ethical Considerations
For prospective studies involving human investigations or animal experiments, authors are expected to mention the approval of regional, national, institutional or independent Ethics Committee or Scientific Committee, obtaining assent for children aged over seven years participating in a trial is also mandatory. The journal will not consider any paper which is ethically unacceptable. A relevant statement on ethics committee permission and ethical practices must be included in all research articles under Subjects and Methods section. All manuscripts reporting the results of an experimental investigation involving human subjects should include a statement confirming that an informed consent was obtained from each subject or subject's guardian, after approval of the experimental protocol by a local human ethics committee.
Conflicts of Interests
All conflicts of interests must be outlined in the manuscript. If the authors have no conflict of interests to report, this must be explicitly stated. The suggested wording in such an instance is: The author(s) report no conflict of interests.
Authorship and Pledge Form
Authorship must be based on having substantial contributions to concept and design, acquisition of, analysis and interpretation of data, drafting the article or revising it critically, and final approval of the version to be published. All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in an acknowledgments section at the end of the article. All authors must give their signed consent for publication in a pledge form, which should accompany the manuscript. The form contains the following statements:
- I (we) certify that the manuscript does not contain any material the publication of which would violate any copyright or other personal proprietary right of any person or entity.
- I (we) certify that the manuscript will not be submitted to other journals as long as it is in the process of evaluation and publishing in the EDJ.
- I (we) certify that I am (we are), responsible for all the information presented by me (us) in the pledge form and be responsible for all the consequences.
Authors can download the pledge form from the journal’s website.
Article Processing Charge
EDJ imposes a non-refundable article processing charge of 150,000 Iraqi Dinars (US 125$) for each manuscript accepted for publication. No submission fees are charged.
Note: Please be notified that that journal accepts online submission only.
Erbil Dental Journal: Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +964 750 985 0698; +964 773 455 0698