Evaluation of microleakage of three different types of pit and fissure sealants using invasive and non-invasive techniques (An in-vitro study)


  • Hiwa S. Khidir Erbil Technical Medical Institute, Erbil Polytechnic University, Erbil, Iraq.
  • Hemn M. Suleman Department of Pedodontics, Orthodontics and Preventive Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq.




Fissure Sealant, Helioseal-F, Invasive Technique, Microleakage, Non-Invasive Technique


Backgrounds: The aims of this study were to; Evaluate the amount of in-vitro microleakage of three different types of pit and fissure sealants (Vertise Flow, Kerr), (Helioseal-F, IvoclarVivadent), (GC Fuji TRIAGE, GC corporation) and the effect of occlusal preparation on the leakage value.
Methods: Sixty extracted human premolars randomly divided into 6 groups (n=10/group). Teeth fissures of three non-invasive groups (1, 3, 5) left intact, fissures of other three invasive groups (2, 4, 6) were opened up with ¼ round bur. Teeth fissures in group (1, 2) sealed with self-adhesive Vertise Flow, group (3, 4) Helioseal-F, while group (5, 6) fissures sealed with Glass Ionomer GC Fuji TRIAGE. The teeth thermocycled between 5±2°C and 55±2°C for 500 cycles with a dwell time of 30 seconds; All teeth sealed apically and coated within 1.5 mm of the sealant margin with two layers of nail varnish, then immersed in 1% Methylene blue solution. Subsequently, two buccolingual sections were made parallel to the long axis of tooth yielding 3 sections and 4 surfaces per tooth for microleakage analysis. The surfaces were scored 0 to 3 for the extent of microleakage using a binocular microscope at 25X magnification. Microleakage was analyzed by using paired t-test and ANOVA.
Results: Invasive technique produced significantly less microleakage than Non-Invasive groups (P<0.05). In all six groups Helioseal-F in Invasive technique showed significantly the least degree of microleakage (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Helioseal-F was the best material in terms of reduced microleakage. Invasive technique compared to non-invasive technique had produced less degree of microleakage.


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How to Cite

Khidir HS, Suleman HM. Evaluation of microleakage of three different types of pit and fissure sealants using invasive and non-invasive techniques (An in-vitro study). EDJ [Internet]. 2021 Jul. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 30];4(1):40-9. Available from: https://edj.hmu.edu.krd/index.php/journal/article/view/105



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