Prevalence of angle’s classification of malocclusion among patients Attending Orthodontic Department in College of Dentistry‐ retrospective cross‐sectional study


  • Blend Hussein Mohammad Department of POP, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq.
  • Mahmood Fawzi Abdul‐Jabbar College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq.
  • Mansour Hadi Mohammed Department of POP, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq.



Malocclusion, dental development stage, Angle classification


Background and objectives: Since demand for orthodontic treatment is increasing. This stresses the importance of epidemiological studies in order to obtain knowledge about the prevalence of different types of malocclusion and the need for orthodontic treatment. This research aims to know the percentage of class I, class II, class III malocclusion in patients attending orthodontic clinics in College of Dentistry/ Hawler Medical University and their relationship with age, gender and stages of dental development.
Methods: A total of 110 case sheets were collected from orthodontic clinic, patients that have asymmetric angle`s molar classification, any local or systemic problems, or undergone any orthodontic treatment before, were excluded, so, a sample size of 87 patients were taken (41 male and 46 female), with ages ranging from 6 to 25, after coding case sheets, data were inputting in an excel sheet of Microsoft Office and analyzed by chi‐square test.
Results: most common malocclusion in order of prevalence were angle`s class I (49.4%) , followed by angle`s class II ( 42.5%) then angle`s class III was the least prevalent among them which is (8%), malocclusion is more frequent among female than male and its more prevalent in the mixed dentition than in permanent.
Conclusion: Class I malocclusion was the most prevalent type of malocclusion while class III was the least. Malocclusion is more frequent among female than male but the difference is not significant, and it were found to be more frequent in the mixed dentition rather than in the permanent dentition, and it decreased with increasing age.


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How to Cite

Mohammad BH, Abdul‐Jabbar MF, Mohammed MH. Prevalence of angle’s classification of malocclusion among patients Attending Orthodontic Department in College of Dentistry‐ retrospective cross‐sectional study. EDJ [Internet]. 2022 Feb. 10 [cited 2024 Oct. 23];4(2):111-7. Available from:



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