Accidental findings of maxillary sinuses in dental patients on CBCT images. A retrospective study


  • Fedil Andraws Yalda Department of Oral Diagnosis, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University, Erbil/Iraq.



CBCT, Maxillary sinus, ,Incidental pathologies, Accidental findings, Mucosal thickening


Background and objective: Maxillary sinus pathology is a common finding on routine
CBCT scans of the maxilla. Hence the objective of this study is to define the frequency of
accidental findings within maxillary sinuses on patients’ CBCT images that are referred for
various dento-alveolar reasons in the maxilla and to evaluate the relation of the age and gender with the maxillary sinus condition.
Methods: A total of 255 sequential CBCT scans from patients aged between 15-78 years,
with a localized field of view (8.0cm x 5.0 cm) were retrospectively included in the analysis,
resulting in an evaluation of 510 maxillary sinuses. The findings were categorized as healthy
sinus, mucosal thickening, polypoid thickening and partial opacification.
Result: Out of 255 patients, 148 (58%) were males and 107 (42%) were females with a mean
age of 50.23 (SD=19.08). Implant assessment was the major request 206 (80.8%) followed
by exploration of impacted teeth 35 (13.7%). 52.2% of included cases showed sinuses with
no pathology (NP). 47.8% showed accidental findings of wich mucosal thickening (MT) was
the highest 104 (40.8%). The relationship between gender and maxillary sinus status was
statistically non-significant (p=0.346). The relation of the age (≤50 and >50) and sinus status, however, was statistically significant (p=0.035)

Conclusion: According to the present study results, the most common referral reasons for CBCT examination were for implant assessment. Mucosal thickening was the highest among the pathologic findings in the maxillary sinus. There was no significant relationship between gender and maxillary sinus status but there was a statistically significant rela[1]tionship between age and findings. CBCT can help in the early detection and evaluation of accidental pathologies within maxillary antra in asymptomatic patients. The findings of the present study recommend a thorough interpretation of the whole volume CBCT scans, by an oral radiologist, to ensure a proper diagnosis as it might have an impact on the patient’s medical status and advice the referred practitioner about the findings which may affect the treatment plan accord[1]ingly. Finally, referral of the patient to a spe[1]cialist if necessary.


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How to Cite

Yalda FA. Accidental findings of maxillary sinuses in dental patients on CBCT images. A retrospective study. EDJ [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 22 [cited 2025 Feb. 15];6(2):142-50. Available from:



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