Study on Impression Techniques and Materials for Implant among Dentists in Erbil city: A Survey study.


  • Shahla Hama Rasheed Omer Department of Prosthodontics, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq.
  • Shang Hussein Muhammed Undergraduate Student at the College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University.
  • Shayma Abdulamir Mamandi Undergraduate Student at the College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University.
  • Zina Zakaria Rashid Undergraduate Student at the College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University.



Implant, Impression, open tray, closed tray, abutment, materials


Background and Objectives:  The Success and longevity of implant prosthesis is affected by an accurate fit which can be achieved through a proper impression technique and material, the techniques of impression taking can be made by either a closed or open tray impression procedures or by implant level impression technique. The main objective of the presented research was to investigate the most preferable impression material and technique for dental implant placement.

Materials and methods: This research’s focus is on impression materials and the various impression techniques that can be used in implant restoration with a note on the recent advancements, with the help of a questionnaire given to dental professionals and postgraduate students who perform implants in Erbil City. Around 72 dentists were chosen, 24 of them were inside our teaching hospital, and 48 of them were chosen by random sampling.

Results: The information gathered in this study sample group shows that the highest rate was for open tray technique about 54.2%, 37.5% responded closed tray and 8.3% responded abutment level. Regarding the most preferable material 75% responded for addition silicone, 23.6% responded for condensation silicone and 1.4% responded for alginate. According to most preferable type of tray 93.1% answered perforated stock tray and 6.9% answered special tray. 56.9% of the practitioners chose One step (heavy-light), 22.2% chose two step spaced putty wash, 13.9 % chose one step (monophase single viscosity) and 6.9% answered two-step unspaced putty wash.

Conclusion: In conclusion open tray technique, stock tray, addition type of silicon and one step (heavy-light) impression technique is the most preferable in this study.


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How to Cite

Omer SHR, Muhammed SH, Mamandi SA, Rashid ZZ. Study on Impression Techniques and Materials for Implant among Dentists in Erbil city: A Survey study. EDJ [Internet]. 2024 Mar. 28 [cited 2025 Feb. 18];6(3):260-5. Available from:



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