Micro CT Analysis of Hard Tissue Debris Accumulation Created by SAF vs. ProTaper systems


  • Diyar Kh Bakr Conservative Department, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University
  • Hussien Al-Hwaizi Conservative Department, College of Dentistry, Baghdad University
  • Raid Salman Conservative Department, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University




Root canal preparation, SAF-system, ProTaper rotary files, Micro CT


Background and objectives: Hard tissue debris is deposited routinely during root canal system instrumentation. A new instrument had been marketed with the aim of optimum shaping of all parts of the canal system, however, no information present about the amount of debris removal compared to conventional rotary system. This study investigated the amount of debris accumulated when the canal instrumented by SAF compared with ProTaper by using high resolution computed tomography (micro CT).

Methods: Twenty extracted single canalled teeth were utilized for this study; and randomly divided into 2 groups. In the first group, the root canals were prepared by using protaper rotary system till F2 and the root canal irrigated with 1ml of normal saline after each instrument. The root canals in the second group were prepared using SAF for 4min, with continuous irrigation (normal saline). After rescanning, the percentage value of total canal volume filled with hard tissue debris was calculated.

Results: For protaper instrumentation, a mean of 0.35% of the total canal system volume was filled with hard-tissue debris which was lesser than that of SAF system where a mean of 0.42 % vol. was obtained. However, there was non-significant difference between them (p=0.218) with in favor of the SAF system.

Conclusion: Root canal preparation with SAF-system resulted in more and effective hard tissue debris accumulation compared with protaper rotary files. 


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How to Cite

Bakr DK, Al-Hwaizi H, Salman R. Micro CT Analysis of Hard Tissue Debris Accumulation Created by SAF vs. ProTaper systems. EDJ [Internet]. 2018 Jun. 6 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];1(1):55-60. Available from: https://edj.hmu.edu.krd/index.php/journal/article/view/27



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