Effect of Ozone Gel on Postoperative Sequelae after Surgical Removal of Impacted Lower Third Molars.
Ozone Gel, Impaction, Third Molar Surgery, Pain, Swelling, Trismus, Dry Socket, Soft Tissue HealingAbstract
Background and objectives: the study aims to evaluate the efficacy of ozone gel in reducing pain, swelling, trismus and also to evaluate soft tissue healing and dry socket after surgical removal of impacted lower third molars.
Methods: the current study enrolled 50 patients divided randomly in to two equal groups, Group I (study group) received ozone gel intra-socket and oral placebo postoperatively and Group II (control group) received a systemic antibiotic. Clinical examination includes assessment of maximal mouth opening on the day of surgery, panoramic x-ray was used for evaluation of the location and configuration of impacted lower third molars, surrounding bone, mandibular canal and adjacent tooth. Pain and swelling were assessed by visual analogue scale (VAS) and recorded daily for one week by the patients, dry socket was checked at 3rd day postoperatively, maximal mouth opening also was checked at 3rd and 7th day postoperatively and soft tissue healing was checked at 7th day postoperatively.
Results: Results showed statistical significance difference regarding pain and swelling and there was no statistically significant difference regarding maximal mouth opening (trismus), dry socket and soft tissue healing in Group I (study group).
Conclusion: This study concluded that the use of ozone gel was effective in the reduction of postoperative pain and swelling but it was not effective in reducing trismus, dry socket and soft tissue healing after surgical removal of impacted lower third molars.
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