Scanning Electron Microscopic Evaluation of Smear Layer Removal and Estimation of Dentin Microhardness Using TRITON Endodontic Irrigant: An In Vitro Study
TRITON, NaOCL, EDTA, SEM, IrrigationAbstract
Background and objectives: Irrigation is essential in endodontic therapy, and traditional irrigation was done with NAOCl and EDTA to remove the smear layer and clean the canal, but it had several difficulties. Many solutions, such as Smearoff, Qmix and MTAD, are available as a single irrigant solution to disinfect and remove the smear layer. TRITON is a revolutionary two-in-one irrigant that can both remove smear layer and disinfect the canal. This study aims to evaluate the effect of Triton on smear layer removal and compare it with Qmix and conventional NaOCl and EDTA irrigation protocols.
Methods: Thirty extracted single canal teeth were divided into three groups; Group 1 was irrigated with NaOCl and EDTA. Group 2 received Triton treatment, but Group 3 received Qmix irrigation. Each tooth was then cut in half and subjected to Scanning electron microscope.
Results: There was no significant difference between the groups investigated, however, there was a significant difference between the middle and apical thirds in Group 2 (P=0.009).
Conclusion: Triton intracanal irrigant revealed effectual capability to eradicate smear layer from radicular dentin as conventional root canal irrigating solutions (NaOCl/EDTA). Triton can be used as an alternative to NaOCl+EDTA and Qmix as an irrigant.
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