Assessment of the Removable Orthodontic Treatment Outcome Using Peer Assessment Rating Index


  • Mohammed Hussain Saleh P.O.P Department, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University
  • Omar F. Chawshli P.O.P Department, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University
  • Rebin Ali Mohammed Amin P.O.P Department, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University



PAR index, Outcome assessment, Orthodontic treatment


Background and objectives: Removable orthodontic appliances are useful in a variety of situations but present the inherent disadvantage of the treatment being in the control of the patient. Evaluation of orthodontic treatment result, aids to establish aims and reach a measurable finish for completed treatment for patients. In order to study the quality of treatment, it is advisable to assess the results of treatments. To achieve this aim, an accepted index is required to assess the occlusion and the positions of teeth in the arch. Peer Assessment Rating (PAR) is a typical mean to evaluate the result of orthodontic treatments. The aim of the study is to assess the results of orthodontic treatments by removable appliances on the basis of PAR index.

Patients and methods: Treatment of patients has been done by dental students by using removable orthodontic appliances, therefore the dental study casts of 64 consecutively completed removable appliance cases were examined before and after orthodontic treatment using the PAR index.

Results: On the basis of weighted PAR criteria, the difference between scores before and after treatment was significant for anterior maxillary segment (P<0.001), overjet (P<0.001), overbite (P<0.001), midline (P<0.001), buccal occlusion in transverse and anteroposterior direction (P<0.01). On the other hand, a non-significant difference was recorded regarding buccal occlusion in vertical sections (P=0.99).

Conclusion: The average of PAR index reduction was higher in girls than in boys. The proper selection of cases for Phase I orthodontic treatment is critical to the success of the treatment. Removable orthodontic appliances are useful for correction of minor abnormalities, especially in anterior region.


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How to Cite

Saleh MH, Chawshli OF, Mohammed Amin RA. Assessment of the Removable Orthodontic Treatment Outcome Using Peer Assessment Rating Index. EDJ [Internet]. 2018 Dec. 6 [cited 2024 Oct. 23];1(2):102-8. Available from:



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