Comparison of different fiber post systems using push-out bond strength test


  • Hani M. Mouafaq Conservative Department (M.Sc. Student), College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University
  • Shakhawan K. Kadir Conservative Department, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University



Fiber post, bundle postx bond strength, short fiber-reinforced composite


Background and Objective: Nowadays, the use of fiber post in weak teeth that had root canal treatment has gained acceptance worldwide. New materials and shapes of fiber posts were introduced. This study was conducted to compare in vitro bond strength among Bundle glass fiber posts, taper glass fiber post and short fiberreinforced composite as post material.

Methods: Thirty Mandibular premolars were divided into three groups according to the post material that used: 1. Taper fiber post cemented with resin core10 samples. 2. Bundle fiber post cemented with resin core ten samples. 3. Short fiber reinforcement composite used instead of post and cement ten samples. Each root specimen cut into three slices of 2 mm thickness from each cervical, middle, and apical part of the posts. Push-out tests were performed using a universal testing machine at three sites in each root at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min.

Results: Micro push-out bond strength of the posts to dentin was not significantly affected by the type of post material (p > 0.05). Push-out bond strength values of cervical segments were significantly higher than the middle and apical segments in all groups (p < 0.05).

Conclusion: The Bundle fiber post exhibited higher bond strength than other posts, but it was not significant, the highest bond strength was observed in the cervical third of all post spaces. Short fiber reinforced composite represented comparable bonding performance with taper Post and bundle fiber post when it was used instead of post material.


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How to Cite

Mouafaq HM, Kadir SK. Comparison of different fiber post systems using push-out bond strength test. EDJ [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 6 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];2(2):205-12. Available from:



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