Compressive strength of different tricalcium silicate–based materials used for primary teeth: in vitro study
Biodentine, Compressive Strength, HP Repair MTA, ProRootAbstract
Background and Objectives: One of the most universally accepted properties of a material is to have a good physical and mechanical properties to withstand the masticatory forces which is one of the major problem in dentistry. The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare the compressive strength of three different types of Tricalcium silicate based materials: (High plasticity repair mineral trioxide aggregate, ProRoot and Biodentine).
Materials and methods: Ninety samples from studied materials (4mm diameter and 6mm height) were selected and divided into three equal groups according to the materials used then after each group was divided into three equal sub-groups according to the time (1 day, 1 week and 3 weeks). Compressive strength was evaluated in accordance with ISO 9917-1: 2007 recommendation. Specimens were crushed along their long axis using a universal testing machine. The load was recorded in mega Pascal. Statistical package for the social science (SPSS version 23) program was used to perform the statistical.
Results: Biodentine showed significantly the highest compressive strength values than the other materials (P < 0.001), whereas High plasticity repair MTA have the lowest compressive strength values. There was no significant difference between ProRoot and HP Repair MTA-angelus. The compressive strength of ProRoot MTA was significantly lower than Biodentine but significantly higher than HP repair MTA Angelus.
Conclusion: Biodentine and ProRoot have better in mechanical properties than the HP Repair MTA. The time had correspondingly effectively increased impact on the dental materials used in this study.
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