Abrasive resistance and microhardness of self-adhesive (Surefil one) and conventional bulk fill composites: An- in vitro study.


  • Maryam Fakher Ibrahim College of Dentistry, University of Duhok, Duhok, Iraq.
  • Bahar Jafaar Selivany College of Dentistry, University of Duhok, Duhok, Iraq.
  • Abduloma Baraka Ali Al Mustfa University College/ Department of Dentistry.




Bulk fill, Self-adhesive, Abrasive resistance, Microhardness Composite, Surefil one


Aims and objectives To evaluate abrasive resistance and microhardness of self-adhesive Surefil
one and conventional bulkfill composites Beautifil bulk restorative and Filtek one bulk fill restorative.
Materials and Methods: For the abrasive resistance test, thirty composite discs (4 mm hieght×8
mm width) in each group (n=10) were fabricated. GI: Beautifil bulk restorative, GII: Filtek One
Bulk fill restorative and GIII: Surefil one self-adhesive. By placing the material in a mold in a single increment then curing. A custom-made toothbrush simulator was employed for wear
testing. The samples weighted before and after the brushing to measure the weight loss. For
the microhardness test, thirty cylindrical specimens (6 mm× 8 mm) (n= 10) were fabricated to
assess the microhardness, top and bottom surfaces were tested using Vicker Hardness test. The
results were analyized with a one-way ANOVA test, the post-hoc comparisons were examined in
Tukey test.
Results: Abrasive Resistance results, Surefil one (9.52gr) and Beautifil bulk (4.16gr) showed an
increase in weight after brushing, while Filtek one bulkfill (-0.85gr) showed a decrease in
weight.Microhardness test results, Beautifil bulk showed the highest number of VH (74.83) followed by Surefil one (70.61) and Filtek one bulkfill (62.95).
Conclusion: Beautifil bulk was more resistant to abrasion in comparison to Surefil one self-adhesive and One bulk fill. The great weight loss was observed in One bulk fill. Great weight
gain was observed in Surefil one self-adhesive. Beautifil bulk showed the highest VH number
compare to Surefil one self-adhesive and One bulk fill. Filtek one bulk fill showed low resistance
and low hardness number.


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How to Cite

Ibrahim MF, Selivany BJ, Ali AB. Abrasive resistance and microhardness of self-adhesive (Surefil one) and conventional bulk fill composites: An- in vitro study. EDJ [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 22 [cited 2025 Feb. 18];6(2):183-92. Available from: https://edj.hmu.edu.krd/index.php/journal/article/view/237



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