Antibacterial effectiveness of different final irrigation activation techniques.
Utrasonic, Diode laser, XP endo finisher, irrigation activation techniquesAbstract
Background and objective: To evaluate and compare the antibacterial effectiveness of ultrasonic, diode laser , XP endo finisher and finisher gentle file brush against Enterococcus faecalis in
root canal dentin.
Methods: Fifty-five single-rooted extracted mandibular premolars were decoronated to have a
length of 12 mm, instrumented biomechanically with protaper Next up to size X3. After sterilization, five roots were selected as negative controls and the remaining teeth were inoculated
with E. faecalis and incubated for 48 hr and at 37 ºC. The roots were then randomly divided into
five groups (n=10) , GI: Control group ,GII: 5.25% NaOCl irrigation was activated by the ultrasonic system , GIII: By 980-nm diode laser , GIV: By Xp-endo finisher and GV : Activated by Finisher
gentle file-brush. The antimicrobial efficacy was tested by collecting transfer fluid saline from
the canals and counting the colony forming units (CFUs) of viable E. faecalis on agar plates. The
statistical calculations were performed in JMP pro 14.3.0. using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
followed by a Tukey test to define the differences between the tested groups.
Result: The mean bacterial CFU were 10.6 X 10^7 for Finisher gentle file brush, 35.6×10^7 for
Diode laser, 39.6×10^7 for ultrasonic and 42.3×10^7 for XP Endo Finisher. Finisher gentle file
brush showed a significant reduction in the colony count compared to the other groups.
Conclusion: None of the irrigation activation techniques removed the bacteria completely from
the canal . The four tested irrigation activation techniques were shown to be effective in the
disinfection of the E. faecalis-contaminated root canals. Finisher gentle file brush was the most
effective against E. faecalis, while XP endo finisher was the least effective against E. faecalis.
treatment against E. faecalis in the root canal.
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