Mylohyoid Nerve Injection for Unsuccessful Anesthesia of Posterior Teeth with Successful Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block.


  • Rozh M Hussein Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq.



Inferior alveolar nerve block, mylohyoid nerve variation, lingual mucosal infiltration, pain


Background and objective: variations in mylohyoid could lead to failure of an inferior alveolar nerve blockade. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of mylohyoid nerve variation on the persistence of pain following a successful inferior alveolar nerve block.

Method: This clinical study was performed at the oral and maxillofacial department/college of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University. All patients with pain following a successful inferior alveolar nerve block were enrolled in this study. An additional submucosal injection (infiltration technique) as few drops in the lingual mucosa of the offending tooth is given by the same surgeon

Results: A total of fifty patients were enrolled in this study,30 males and 20 females. age range was (16-56). Among the total only 20 patients (60%females,40% males) experienced pain on the lingual side during the attempt of dental extraction. Following lingual infiltration, all the cases were treated successfully in a pain free environment. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the data.

Conclusion: Lingual submucosal injection of 1/3 of 1.8 ml of local anesthesia might be an effective way to block all possible nerve variation on the lingual side.


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How to Cite

Hussein RM. Mylohyoid Nerve Injection for Unsuccessful Anesthesia of Posterior Teeth with Successful Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block. EDJ [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 6 [cited 2024 Oct. 23];7(1):50-3. Available from:



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