Optimizing Soft Tissue Emergence Profile Around One-Piece Dental Implants


  • Abduljaleel Azad Samad College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University , Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.




Aesthetic Zone, Clinical Studies/Trials, Cervico System, Customized Healing Abutment, One-piece Dental implants


Background and Objective: One-piece implants were introduced many years ago, however, in the last years, they have gained acceptance as a therapeutic alternative for many clinical cases. The soft tissue surrounding the neck of one-piece implants, particularly in the esthetic zone, is a cause for concern despite the clinical effectiveness of these implants. The purpose of this study is to propose a simple way for optimizing soft tissue around one-piece dental implants.

Material and Methods: Between January 2022 and January 2024, a total of 137 patients were treated with single-piece dental implants that were placed in the aesthetic anterior region of the mouth. A temporary crown in the office was created using a flowable composite that was temporary in nature using the mold of the Cervico system (VP Innovato Holdings Ltd, Lemessos, Cyprus). After three months, the patients' rates of success, failure, and complications were evaluated. The Jemt Papillary Index was employed to assess the papilla following the placement of the final prosthesis, a Satisfaction Visual Analog Scale (VAS system) was created to gauge the patient's satisfaction. The data was evaluated by means of descriptive statistics utilizing the SPSS (version 30) package of software.

Results: The mean age of all cases was 32.10 years, with 78 (56.9%) male cases and 59 (43.1%) female cases. After 3 months among 137 inserted implants; 97.8% of the implants were successfully osseointegrated. After removal of the temporary crown a very nice anatomical emergence profile created and the results of papilla index after three months showed that the majority of the cases (84 cases comprises 61.3%) ended with score number 3, which means Optimal soft tissue contour and the papillae fill up the entire proximal space. Finaly the results of Satisfaction Visual Analog Scale (VAS) showed that 120 cases (87.6%) were have most positive response to the dental implant treatment.

Conclusion and Clinical implications: We concluded that using of a customized composite temporary crown fabricated by Cervico system offers a very simple and time-saving technique for the clinician, aiding in splinting the implants and obtaining nice emergence profile around one-piece implants.


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How to Cite

Samad AA. Optimizing Soft Tissue Emergence Profile Around One-Piece Dental Implants. EDJ [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 6 [cited 2025 Mar. 27];7(2):174-8. Available from: https://edj.hmu.edu.krd/index.php/journal/article/view/285



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