Prevalence of malocclusion and orthodontic treatment need in a sample of 12-15-year-old kurdish schoolchildren in Ranyia district
: Prevalence of malocclusion, Index of Orthodontic treatment need, IOTNAbstract
Background and objectives: In recent years, much attention has been focused on measuring the severity and prevalence of malocclusion and orthodontic treatment need worldwide,in particular, the aetiological importance of genetic factors has been reduced, considering that many malocclusions recognize a post-natal origin related to habits at early stages of life and trauma.This study aimed to determine the prevalence of malocclusion and to evaluate the need for orthodontic treatment in school going children in Ranyia district in Kurdistan region of Iraq.
Methods:A sample of 518 students aged 12-15 years old consisting of (261boys and 257 girls) who had not undergone orthodontic treatment were selected from different parts of the city. The Dental Health Component (DHC) and the Aesthetic Component (AC) of the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) were used to analyse the relationship of malocclusion with gender and age.The data were recorded in questionnaires.
Results: Statistical analysis revealed that 47.1 % of children do not need orthodontic treatment while 52.7% of them have malocclusion with varying treatment needs. The results for DHC of IOTN were: 30.4% of children showed severe and very severe need for treatment, 8.8% were in borderline, 13.5% had a mild need and 47.1% did not need treatment. There was a significant correlation between DHC and gender (P=0.003) according to DHC, boys need more orthodontic treatment than girls. In evaluating AC, 77.2% needed little or no orthodontic treatment, 12.9% needed moderate treatment while 9.8% were in great need for treatment. There was a significant correlation between DHC and ACE (P=0.000). The most prevalent features of malocclusion for the group of the need for orthodontic treatment were the following: Impeded eruption teeth14.3%, partially erupted and tipped or impacted teeth 14%,increased overjet 12.4%,crossbites 7.5%, increased overbites 6.6%, contact point displacement (crowding) 5.6%, openbites 4.1% and reversed overjets 0.8%.
Conclusion: The prevalence of malocclusion in Ranyia district population is comparative to other studies. To conclude, boys need more orthodontic treatment than girls. The demand for aesthetics decides the amount of orthodontic treatment that a patient must have.
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