Assessment and comparative study of Entrance Skin Dose for digital panoramic x-Ray equipments


  • Bayan Saber Ibrahim Basic Science Department, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University
  • Hassan Ali Mahmood Oral and Maxillofacial Department, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University



Digital panoramic X-Ray, KVp, mA, FSD ( Focal skin distance), adult, weight


Background and objective: A panoramic radiograph is a panoramic scanning dental x-ray of the upper and lower jaw. It shows a two-dimensional view of a half-circle. The aim of this study was to estimate of entrance surface dose (ESD) to the patient, in diagnostic panoramic radiology, to compare ESD (Entrance skin dose) for panoramic radiographies, analyze the relative advantage and disadvantage of their modalities.

Methods: FONTA X Pan DG Plus devices (version 121001 code 6968271110) in dental clinical hospital and Planmeca pro max (ASENTAJANKATO 6 FI -00880 Hilsinki) in Xanzad centre were used in this study. panoramic imaging units offer an advanced and versatile 2D imaging experience. From flexible patient positioning to creative innovations and high image quality, these panoramic imaging units represent 2D dental imaging at its finest. ESD was estimated using ESD equation methods. A hundred patients were enrolled in this study for determination of the entrance surface dose that divided into five age groups theoretical.

Results: As a result showed that the mean of the entrance skin dose for patient up to 6 years, 7-12 year, female adult, male adult and large adult are (0.12mGy, 0.13mGy, o.14mGy,1.51mGy, 1.53mGy) for digital panoramic radiography in Dental x-ray respectively and (0.06mGy,0.07mGy, o.o7mGy, o.11mGy, o.13mGy) for digital radiography in Xanzad centre of dental treatment.

Conclusion: The study showed a significant association between entrance skin dose received by patient in dental clinical hospital and Xanzad centre and the study concludes that the received entrance skin dose by patients in clinical dental Erbil hospital higher than the other patient in Xanzad centre. It is recommended that the use of the newer equipment and the use of the proper radiological parameter can significantly reduce the Entrance skin dose.


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How to Cite

Ibrahim BS, Mahmood HA. Assessment and comparative study of Entrance Skin Dose for digital panoramic x-Ray equipments. EDJ [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 6 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];2(2):213-7. Available from:



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