Comparative Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activities of Different Types of Luting Cements
Antimicrobial effect, Glass ionomer cements, Growth inhibitionAbstract
Background and objectives: To minimize secondary caries, luting cements with antimicrobial properties are frequently used for the cementation of indirect restorations. The aim of this study was to investigate the antimicrobial effect of four dental luting cements
Materials and methods: Four luting cements (GC FUJI PLUS, GC FUJI I glass ionomer, GC Gold Label glass ionomer, and G-CEM ONE resin cement) were tested for antimicrobial activity against Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans using agar diffusion test (ADT) (by preparation of seventy-two disc for each bacteria) and modified direct contact test (MDCT) at one hour, one day, and one-week intervals. In ADT, inhibition zones were measured in millimeters. In MDCT, bacterial suspensions were exposed to the cements, and colony-forming unit (CFU) counts were recorded at various time points to assess microbial survival.Top of Form
Results: In ADT, GC Gold Label glass ionomer exhibited the highest inhibition zones (17.75 mm) after one week, surpassing other intervals of the same cement and all other cements tested. At one hour, none showed antimicrobial activity against Candida albicans, except GC FUJI PLUS. In MDCT, none of the luting cements demonstrated growth against S. mutans, but all showed growth of Candida except for GC FUJI PLUS at one hour.
Conclusion: All evaluated luting cements exhibited antibacterial activity against S. Mutans in both tests. However, only RMGI at one hour showed antimicrobial activity against Candida Albicans. The conventional glass Ionomer cement (powder and liquid) showed superior antimicrobial activity, suggesting potential benefits for patients at high risk of caries.
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