Three-dimensional assessment of the ideal insertion angle and position of temporary anchorage devices in the anterior palate: (in a sample of erbil city).


  • Melav Musa Ibrahim Department of POP, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq.
  • Omar Fawzi Chawshli Department of POP, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq.



Anterior palate, CBCT, TADs, Mini-screw


Background and Objectives: Mini-screws may be used in a variety of alveolar bone sites
and can withstand loading, allowing for better orthodontic anchoring. The position and
placement of mini-screws are determined by the quality and quantity of bone. This study
aims to anatomically assess the anterior palate as the insertion site for the orthodontic
bone screw.
Method: A retrospective study was done by collecting three-dimensional data of the anterior palate for 40 patients with an age range of (20-30 years). The setting of the study was a
private Maxillofacial Radiology Center in Erbil City. Measurements at 32 reference points
and angulations were done with the help of a Radiologist to determine the ideal insertion
point and angulation for TADs in the anterior palate.
Results: The thickness of the anterior palate was found to differ significantly (p=0.00)
among the 32 points studied, including 20 points at a zero angle to a vector perpendicular
to the curve of the palate and three additional angles at 10, 20, and 30 degrees to a vector
perpendicular to the curve of the palate. The thickest point in the anterior palate was 6mm
away from the midline at the contact point between canine and first premolar on both the
left and right sides. The reference point with the least thickness was determined to be
3mm to 6mm distant from the midline at the intersection with the center of the second
premolar on the right and left.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the thickness of the palatal hard tissue decreased from the anterior to the posterior.


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How to Cite

Ibrahim MM, Chawshli OF. Three-dimensional assessment of the ideal insertion angle and position of temporary anchorage devices in the anterior palate: (in a sample of erbil city). EDJ [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];5(2):171-7. Available from:



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